Tuesday 18 November 2014

Permacredits - A Currency for Permaculture

Xavier Hawk presents Permacredits:

Permacredits are the local currency for the global permaculture movement. Xavier Hawk will explain the world of bitcoin, crypto currencies, and how they act as a local currency in a global network of like minded people. Right now Permaculture based businesses like Eco Villages, Eco Developments, Permaculture Schools, Farms, and more are being built and financially powered by new crypto currencies like Permacredits. With thousands of people all over the planet already dreaming, designing, and implementing permaculture systems, it is only the financial nutrients that are lacking in our soils. With the help of this new currency the Permaculture community is realizing the financial means to grow and nurture a more balanced, sane, and healthier planet. permacredits.com

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